Monday, June 29, 2020



Tujuan penulis membuat lembar kerja ini adalah untuk memberikan referensi kepada para guru, khususnya yang mengajar kelas 5 SD, dalam memberi stimulus kepada peserta didik dengan cara atau gambar yang lebih variatif dan tidak monoton. Berikut kumpulan lembar kerja Tema 1 Kelas 5 SD Kurikulum 2013:

  • Alat Gerak pada Hewan
  • Alat Gerak pada Manusia
  • Makna pada Setiap Lambang Pancasila
  • Perbedaan Hewan Vertebrata dan Avertebrata
  • Kelainan Pada Tulang Manusia
  • Ide Pokok

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What is narrative? Narrative is an account of a sequence of events, usually in chronological order. Relating to kinds of text, which student has to complete studying in high school, narrative is a text which retells the story or previous experiences. The purpose of the text is to entertain or amuse readers or listeners about the story.
Narrative is basically story and within this, story telling, there are many kinds of narrative - comedy, mystery, romance, horror are some of the commoner types. A poem can also be a narrative if it tells a story rather than just describing something.
According to L. Spencer, in A Step-by-Step Guide to Narrative Writing. Rosen, 2005, In writing a narrative, an author has a chance to make his or her mark on the world by relating a story that only he or she can tell. Whether it comes from a personal experience or is one that the writer has imagined, the point of a narrative is to bring one's subject to life. By using sensory details, the five Ws and H (who, what, where, when, why, and how), and basic story structure, any subject can be made exciting
Common forms of narrative text which are studied in high school are:
What is legend? A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history. Typically, a legend is a short, traditional and historicized narrative performed in a conversational mode. Some define legend as folktale. The example of legend in narrative text are
What is fabel? A fabel is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by means of animal characters who speak and act like human beings. The example of fable in narrative text are:
Fairy tale
What is fairy tale? According to Wikipedia, fairy tale is an English language term for a type of short narrative corresponding to the French phrase "conte de fée". A fairy tale typically features such folkloric characters as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments. The example of fairy tale in narrative text are:
Science fiction
What is science fiction? According to Basil Davenport. 1955, Science fiction is fiction based upon some imagined development of science, or upon the extrapolation of a tendency in society. Science fiction is that class of prose narrative treating of a situation that could not arise in the world we know. Some examples of science fiction are:
  • To the Moon from the Earth by Jules Verne
  • Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein
  • A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Text Report adalah text yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu pada umumnya, yang meliputi berbagai hal atau benda yang ada dialam, hal, atau benda buatan manusia fenomena sosial yang terjadi disekitar kita. text report berisi serangkaian fakta yang logis, tanpa ada keterlibatan pribadi (pendapat pribadi) penulis. struktur text report :
a. klasifikasi umum : adalah pengantar tentang sesuatu atau fenomena yang akan dibahas
b. Dekripsi adalah menerangkan sesuatu atau fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas dan prilaku.
ciri-ciri text report
a. menggunakan simple present tense, kecuali apabila yang dibahas sudah punah menggunakan past tense

Contoh Text:

What is the small animal that has eight legs, eats small insects, and sometimes bites people? it is spider. Spiders are not insects; they are arachnids insect have three pairs of legs and three body parts. Arachnid shave four pairs of legs but not only two body parts. Spiders have two to four pairs of eyes they can see extemely.
When a spider bites the insect, it doesn’t kill the insect immediately. Instead, a special poison pass
through its fang, and this poison paralyzes the bosy of the unlucky insect.
Most spiders make their own home. They do this with a special subtance produced by their bodies. In the corners of the some rooms it is possible to find a spider’s web where the spider is waiting for its next dinner